A Travellerspoint blog

The great American Road Trip

Phoenix to Cleveland

sunny 66 °F

It has been some time since our last entry. Sara and I have been rediscovering the wonders of the United States.

Three weeks visiting Sara's Mom & Dad in Arizona and preparing for the move passed too quickly. I spent a few days underneath the xterra with Charlie replacing a rear main seal and oil pan gasket.
The X- aka. our conestoga

The X- aka. our conestoga

Sly and Lo

Sly and Lo

Finally it was departure time. On day one we only crossed into one state...New Mexico.

The drive through rim country from Phoenix was delightful and reminded us of the wide open spaces that the west still has to offer.

Cactus adios

Cactus adios

Toward rim country

Toward rim country

Pine Forest Northern AZ

Pine Forest Northern AZ

Fort Courage anyone

Fort Courage anyone

We were greeted warmly by Mike Shawver and Rosie who are to be wed next weekend. They hosted us to a delightful home cooked dinner and showed us the sights of downtown Albuquerque.
High Plains New Mexico

High Plains New Mexico

Rosie and Mike

Rosie and Mike

Scares 1. check engine light has now come on steadily.
Delights MANY!

Next stop Loveland CO.

Posted by tourdeflor 11:01 Archived in USA

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